Sometimes when i stay over the weekend i visit a small tekdi just at the end of the road perpendicular to the paud road.
Location and the area that i have explored is marked in the map below (courtesy: google earth).

This hillock is mostly barren with patches of trees mainly Babul, Australian Acacia and Gliricidia at the base and mostly Gliricidia and some other trees at the top of the hillock.
On the barren lands are seen birds like Red wattled lapwings, Indian robin (abundant), large grey babblers (making a lot of ruckus).
On the small shrubs and Babul trees are large grey babblers, red vented bulbuls, Brahminy starling.
Other than these most common seen are the following species
Common hoopoe
Small minivet
Common woodshrike
Pied cuckoo
Tree pie
Golder oriole
Oriental White-eye
Plain prinia
Grey breasted prinia
Tree pipit
Jungle bush quail
Purple sunbird
Purple rumped sunbird
Pale billed flowerpecker
Black drongo
Long tailed shrike
Some pics of the birds(taken with my Panasonic FZ28) seen on 26th Nov are here and some other pics taken earlier are in this blog
Tekdi April 2009
Indian Robin (Male)

Indian Robin (Male)

Indian Robin (Female)

Plain Prinia

Large Grey Babbler

Common Woodshrike

Pied Crested Cuckoo

Pied Crested Cuckoo

Small Minivet

Small Minivet

Great tit

Great tit

Other blogs of trip around pune
Sinhgad valley Jan 2009
Kavdi Jan 2009
Bigwan Jan 2008
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